
Cardiograph app shows irregular heartbeat
Cardiograph app shows irregular heartbeat

cardiograph app shows irregular heartbeat

If you have a smartwatch or sensor and have recorded an arrhythmia, you should discuss the EKG with your doctor so it can be placed into context with your personal medical conditions. For some patients, it also serves as reassurance that they are not having recurrent arrhythmias after they have undergone certain treatments for their heart condition. Having the information allows me to accelerate their treatment by getting to a diagnosis sooner. However, I have had many patients present with their initial diagnosis of an arrhythmia based on the data from their smart device. You may present with an abnormal reading on your smartwatch, but that doesn’t mean you necessarily have an underlying heart condition. I caution people that no one piece of information, such as an EKG from a smartwatch, can be used in isolation to draw conclusive decisions about their heart health. If your smart device records such palpitations, your doctor can review the recordings to help determine if it is, in fact, an arrhythmia that requires further treatment. These are often difficult to record with a 12-lead EKG because you can’t predict when the palpitations will occur. Smart wearable devices such as smartwatches can serve as a good diagnostic tool for people experiencing intermittent palpitations. AFib increases the chances of having a stroke, but there are lifestyle modifications, medications and other treatments that can help lower that risk. If your smart device records AFib, it is important to discuss this with your physician.

cardiograph app shows irregular heartbeat

One of the most common abnormal rhythms detected by personal devices is atrial fibrillation (AFib), an irregular rhythm in the upper chambers of the heart.ĪFib can cause symptoms of fluttering in the chest, shortness of breath, chest pain or palpitations. Smartwatches and sensors provide information about heart rate and rhythm. How smartwatches detect abnormal heart rhythms However, you should always discuss the EKG results (often referred to as an “EKG strip”) with your physician to provide context within your personal medical history. The devices provide their own automated interpretation of the heart rhythm recorded by the EKG. If you experience some abnormal symptoms with your heart, such as fluttering or palpitations, your smart device can record a personal EKG. Small electrodes on the back of a smartwatch or sensor monitor the heart’s electrical activity with every heartbeat. Personal devices such as smartwatches produce a simpler EKG. A traditional 12-lead EKG can be done in a doctor’s office or in the hospital. An electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a recording of the heart’s electrical activity. I’ll give you the same answer I give them. If you’re reading this, you likely have the same questions. While many people recognize the potential value of the health apps available on their smartwatch, they also often ask how they should use or interpret the information, especially EKGs. Younger people seem to enjoy having the ability to track different metrics to fine tune their health and fitness. Older people seem to appreciate being able to monitor their health and well-being in real time via their smartwatch. In my practice, I’ve seen a trend in seniors buying smartwatches because of the health apps available on the devices. Young and old alike are wearing them for different reasons. In fact, a recent study by Pew Research found approximately one in five Americans owns and wears a smartwatch. Every day, I’m amazed at how many of my patients own smartwatches or wearable devices.

Cardiograph app shows irregular heartbeat